Friday, January 14, 2011

The Muse is Back from Vacation

Wooohooo! My muse is back from vaca. Been long enough! Reborn is in the process of getting published. The contract signing phase now, then we will move on to submitting author info, then I will be put into contact with the design team, then it goes to the presses! While all this is going on I am working on book 2 of the series. My site is back up and running. Just finished working out all of the kinks today.

There will be five books initially, and if all goes well there will be an infinite number of books. Not only that but I have the Eldhin books that need to continue. If I didn't have enough on my writing plate, I have three other ideas that have jumped into the planning out phase.

Now I have the focus of where and how to advertise. A book is only as good as the advertising it gets. I sit here and think about all of the really good books not getting the notice they deserve because of lack of advertising. Then I look at all of the crap books out there that got to where they are only because of the advertising.

My point here? I really need to think about advertising...even

Everyone keep your eyes open and on my site for updates on where to buy my book!!